Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Have you heard the good news?!

ATTENTION, child molesters, porn addicts, liars, queers, hypocrites, rebels, fornicators, thieves, murderers, adulterers and adulteresses, and all other selfish people.

There is good news for one and all. It is found in the Word of God, the Bible! The news is simply this, wicked people can now be accepted by God! You heard correctly, wicked, sinful, ungodly people can be made righteous and have good standing with God.

This is the biggest contradiction of all time! It is not in God's Holy nature to let sinners go. Sinners must be punished. The Bible says that God is angry at the wicked everyday (Ps. 7:11), and that he hates all workers of ininquity (Ps,5:5). How is it possible that God could clear the record of the guilty?! How could God take the worst of the worst and accept them, call them His children, and declare them to be righteous??

Here is how. God made Jesus to be SIN! Jesus that holy man, Jesus, the spotless lamb of God, Jesus, the man that never sinned in his life, Jesus, the one that raised the dead and gave sight to the blind, Jesus, there was no guile found in his mouth, Jesus, the only overcoming man, ever, Jesus, the man that spent his life in ministry to others, Jesus! Do you know HIM?! He was the only person ever to walk on this earth that always, in every way, pleased God! He was the perfect man!

Did you know that God made Jesus to be sin? Well according to 2 Cor.5:21, God did just that. You might ask, 'Why would God do that?'.

Here is why. So that he could take you, evil, wicked, dirty, you, and make you the very righteousness of God! Can you believe it?! You, sinful and selfish, you, the one that has lived for yourself, you, the person that has lied and cheated for the benefit of none other than yourself, you, the one that has taken freely of all of Gods goodness in nature and rarely stopped to even consider Him. You, rotten, filthy, you.

That is the most amazing thing in the Bible. God takes the ungodly with all their sin and misery and calls them His children. Please read Romans 4 and 5.

Do you want to know how you can be called Gods child? The Bible says that God justifies those that believe on His Son Jesus Christ. He took your sin and was put to death in your place, so that you can take HIS righteousness, and have life in HIS place.

You do not deserve a bit of it, and the only way you can be saved is if you accept this salvation as a gift. God wants to give you eternal life and there is only one condition.... you can't do anything to receive it. Thats it. God has done it all, and He simply wants you to believe HIM.

If you believe this good news, thank God, get a Bible (preferably King James), and begin to live for HIM rather than for yourself. Then go find someone else you can talk to about JESUS.

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